Mooladhar Chakra, also called Root or Basic Chakra, is located at the base of the spine and is connected with the sense organ of smell.

The mantra of Root Chakra is Lam.

The chakras are not physical but energy centres in the body. The energy of the chakras can impact us not just physically, mentally, emotionally, but also in our finances and relationships. When the energy in a particular chakra gets imbalanced, they start affecting us in multiple ways.

Let’s look at the many ways in which Mooladhar impacts us.

Physical Fitness

When Mooladhar is in a state of balance, it will manifest as a

  • Fit and healthy body
  • Ability to heal fast
  • Robust and active
  • Like asbestos sheet – these people don’t fall sick easily

When imbalanced , it will manifest as:

  • Intermittent bouts of illness. Recovers from one illness only to fall ill again after some time.
  • Slow recovery from any illness, even from minor cuts and wounds.
  • The energy levels reduce drastically.
  • The person feels constantly tired. Will need to rest after working for a little while.
  • May suffer from insomnia


When it’s balanced

  • It makes a person dynamic. Such a person will start work and won’t rest until he finishes it. Know of someone who can’t sit idle? That’s a strong Root Chakra for you.
  • They have extremely good stamina and can work for long hours without fatigue
  • They are also practical and grounded. Not the kind to build castles in the air.

When Imbalanced

  • Such persons get tired easily. They’ll work a little while and need a break.
  • They also keep procrastinating eg.. I’ll start exercising next week/day, I’ll study for my exams later. When you find yourself saying … I’ll cook in a little while, know that your Root Chakra needs a strong dose of energy.
  • We all know of someone who is constantly making plans but is not able to execute it. Or someone who’s constantly changing jobs. Some people start a project/work only to leave it half way. All these are signs of low energy in Basic. These people need constant push to complete a task.
  • When you are not able to meet your daily needs in terms of food, shelter, income, you need to work on your Basic Chakra.

Safety and Security

The stronger the root chakra the stronger will be your sense of safety and security.

Imagine Root chakra as a foundation. If the foundation is strong nothing can shake it.

Let’s take a few examples from daily life to see how insecurity manifests.

  • You are sitting in the Waiting Room at Railway Station and are unwilling to go to a nearby counter to buy a cup of coffee feeling that someone will walk off with your luggage.
  • Seeking a sense of approval.. continuously .. say on social media or from people. Being appreciated gives a good feeling but if one is constantly seeking approval , even for little things… Well, then, one needs to work on his Basic Chakra.
  • Insecurity in work may manifest as a need to show how hard you are working, how smart you are, putting others down and various other ways.
  • In relationships, one is constantly seeking assurance, attention, and approval.
  • Healthwise it will be repetitive thoughts of ill health… Will I get well or not, the medicine is not working.. it’s taking so long.. the person becomes too focused on a particular result.
  • You get into the habit of hoarding things.

Hoarding is a sign of insecurity. Some signs:

  • Buying too many things
  • Buying things you don’t need.
  • Have a feeling of lack…. I don’t have enough. I want this and this and this .
  • Want to keep extra just in case I need it in future. Chances are it may go to waste just lying around but you get a feel of… I have this much, I don’t lack. feeling you may need it sometime in future.

A little bit now and then is fine but if you are unwilling to let go of old things that haven’t been used in years then it stems from insecurity. There’s a need to hold on to things, old memories, even people. Because it’s familiar it gives a feeling of security.

How to balance

The most effective ways are:

  • Meditation – Meditation, by itself, balances and harmonizes all chakras. Choose a form of meditation that you are comfortable with and do it regularly. Alternatively, you can meditate on the root round Lam.
  • Healing – There are many healing modalities available. Choose what suits you. When the problem is serious, it’s advisable to go to a professional.

Other ways

  • Regular exercise
  • Breathing techniques (Pranayam)
  • Intense physical activity (or as much as you can)
  • Affirmations
  • Visualizations
  • Shift in perception. Need to thoroughly analyse and discard old ways of thinking.