For a modern, well educated person, the word psychic attack is off putting, regressive and unimaginable. Such things simply cannot exist. How are they possible? How can and why will someone deliberately harm you?

Let me share a few interesting stories from our modern hi-tech world. These incidents happened with well educated people who thought psychic attacks had disappeared with dinosaurs.

Incident 1

A couple of years ago, I received an urgent call from Priya – Can I come for an urgent healing session? She sounded desperate so I asked her to come immediately. Within 15 minutes she was at my Healing Centre. When I looked at her I was shocked. Her skin had turned dark, she looked dull and was totally devoid of energy. I asked her where she had been? She related she had been to a Siddhapeeth temple with her family and ever since she had come back she was feeling restless, exhausted and irritated. Without wasting much time, I did her healing. Before the healing session was over, her skin started to regain it’s normal tone and she started to feel better. Half an hour later she was in a condition to drive back to her house.  

When she came for healing the next day, she looked much brighter and chirpier. After finishing her healing she requested me to scan her family members since none of them were feeling well. We found similar symptoms in all and healing had to be done for the entire family.

Remember this happened at a siddhapeeth temple.

Incident 2

Relaxing on a Sunday evening Manisha received a call from her friend, Jyoti who wanted to come over for a general chit chat. Happy to hear from her after a long time, Manisha invited her over. Jyoti walked in with a common friend carrying some refreshments. They had a gala time over tea and samosas. A couple of hours later Manisha felt nauseous and feverish. Wondering what happened to her all of a sudden, she called up her sister who was a healer. After doing her healing and scanning the incident thoroughly she told Manisha that the samosa had some negative energy which had impacted her.

In the 21st Century these incidents can seem implausible and unbelievable. How can a samosa affect one person but not other members of the family. How can going to a temple make someone fall ill?

We are socially and culturally programmed to believe that such things don’t happen nowadays. Ten years ago I used to make fun of all these things. How can negative energy impact you? If you are strong, nothing can happen to you…. was my thinking. Yet in the past 10 years I have seen innumerable incidents where people have been afflicted without any apparent physical cause. As an energy healer, when I remove certain energy from a person’s aura, they become well. Surprising as well as confounding to my modern, corporate mind!!

Both these incidents had one thing in common – they were scanned by an Energy Healer and the malady could be located. In many instances the problem cannot be isolated and the victim keeps taking treatment for years without a cure in sight. A psychic attack penetrates you energetically and can affect you physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.

So, is it possible to be contaminated by the energy of another person? What happened in these 2 incidents. How did they fall ill and become well?

Let’s try an experiment.

Think of a positive person you are fond of. Think of some positive incidents connected with him. You may need to do it for 2/3 minutes. How do you feel?

Now, think of a person you tend to dislike. Think of all he did to you over a period of years. What are the feelings that arise in the heart?

If just thinking about a person for 2 minutes can bring a radical change in your emotions and energies, why can’t a person’s  negative thoughts and energy damage you to a greater extent? Why can’t a professionaly done psychic attack cause greater damage?

It’s not just thought alone that can cause damage. A psychic attack can be unintentional but it can also be intentional and professionally done meant to cause repeated and deliberate harm.  

The symptoms of psychic attack vary from person to person depending on whether a psychic attack is mild or severe. Yet there are certain similarities. It’s not necessary that you will be afflicted by all these symptoms but looking at this list can help you identify if there has been a psychic attack on you.

Symptoms of Psychic Attacks

  • Extreme fatigue. Feeling drained out at a particular time during the day or week
  • Sudden change in personality. Eg. A calm person may become extremely agitated or violent.
  • Start spending more time with people who caused a repulsion in you earlier. May start getting dependent on them.
  • Repeated obstacles in life
  • Breaks in meditation / Puja. Not able to concentrate while meditating.
  • Repeated nightmares.
  • Extreme fear that you are not able to decode
  • Feel an uneasy presence besides you
  • Feel someone is listening to your conversation even though there is no one in the room
  • Sudden temperature change in any part of the house which cannot be explained by weather i.e. extremely hot or cold. Or your house has a certain room that can be unnaturally chilly
  • Nasty odors in a part of the house specially if incense is burnt
  • Excessive heat or itchiness in the body / body part. Feel a ‘burning’ sensation or ‘kind of current’ in the mouth.
  • Sudden and rapid development of disease that can’t seem to be healed by any medicine
  • Repeated accidents.

Who will harm you?

In most cases it’s the people around you who are doing the psychic attack out of jealousy or rivalry. … a relative or friend who seems to be interested in your life, career, relationships and overall welfare. When they call, they enquire about your job and personal life – how you are doing, when is the next promotion due, is the business doing well, are clients coming regularly, how is the relationships between your family members, how are the children doing in their studies, when are they getting married and to whom, blah, blah, blah. These people will never share information about themselves but are interested in every aspect of your life. Some of them also have this tendency to act like a close family member – a part of your inner circle…. Suddenly after interaction with them over a period of months you realize that their life which was always full of troubles has smoothed out and problems in your life have multiplied.

How can they attack you?

A common way of doing an intentional psychic attack is through food. If there are people around you who won’t let you leave their house without eating something (even if you have gone to their house for 5 minutes to drop someone). People who are constantly sending food to your house – I made chole bhature so thought of sending some to you – also send some energy in the food.

Meenakshi would go to the Gurudwara every morning. One day as she was sitting there, a lady brought a huge amount of kheer to be distributed. When prasad was finally distributed Meenakshi discovered that the kheer given by the lady was missing. Everyone wondered why? After sometime a lady mustered the courage to ask the Head Priest why the kheer wasn’t distributed alongwith the other food. He quietly replied… the kheer was not given with the right intention. If I had distributed the kheer, everyone would have fallen sick so I kept it aside.

Gifts too are a simple way to send negative energy. If someone wants to borrow your clothes / items regularly, one needs to be careful.

At times, you may find certain objects / ash etc. in / around the house. Voodooo dolls are used to create intense psychic attacks (yes, it’s till being done in 21st Century). People may borrow your books or clothes and you get them back damaged or altered. At times you may find a repulsion coming from your own things or clothes that have been borrowed and returned. Psychic attacks can be done through plants and one finds a healthy tree has died within a week or half your plants have died in a short span of time even though you have been taking good care of them.

Another technique often used by attackers is to backbite about your genuine friends, give a wrong impression about them and create a rift between you. The ancient Divide and Rule Policy works wonderfully well even today. Some will constantly hit on your self esteem – finding mistakes in all you do (no matter how well you do) bringing down your morale so that you become dependent on them.

Certain places are etherically dirty and if one is living in such a place, he will keep absorbing this energy which may manifest as obstacles in his health, career, relationships or finances.

Refusal to Believe

In many instances when the client is told that this seems like a case of severe psychic attack his/her first reaction is – does this thing actually exist? Is there really such a thing as black magic?

It is difficult for the victim to believe that someone would actually try to harm him. Sometimes, it can be ego. Why, what have I done? Why would he try to harm me? I have always been helpful. This too is part of the psychic programming that one tends to believe that the person is your friend and will simply not harm you.

Many people think it’s admitting to weakness if they are harmed psychically pretending that nothing can affect them. For the well educated it’s simply superstition and such things don’t exist nowadays.

For people on the spiritual path, it’s a case of I am meditating so it cannot affect me. Devotees, somehow, are under the impression that just because they are meditating no obstacle will come in their life. Yet history proves that spiritual practitioners face the greatest challenges. Many meditators are constantly sick simply because they are more prone to psychic attacks. It’s not just the intense amount of past karma they are finishing off but also well wishers around them who want to break their sadhana (yes, yes, yes – not everyone is happy to see you grow spiritually) A young devotee with a severely ailing body and no job kept insisting My Guru is protecting me so how can something happen to me? It’s true, nothing can match a Guru’s protection but one also needs to face reality and understand that if the situation is not improving then he needs to take a long, hard look to fathom what’s going on. No Guru tells you to walk in the rain without an umbrella and he will save you from getting wet. They constantly tell you to use your intelligence and discrimination every step of the way. Understand the situation for what it is and take proper remedial measures. Yet, devotees on the spiritual path are often unrealistic and stop doing their share of the work thinking that their Guru will do everything for them. He has done his 80% but you are also supposed to do your 20%.

Why will someone possibly harm you?

Well, why not? Competition is a harsh reality. It’s not as if they are not trying to harm you in the corporate world. People back bite about you, make fun of you, spread malicious tales about you, take credit for your work. and these are the people with whom you spend the maximum time? Isn’t all this damage? If they can go to this extent, then why not create a deliberate psychic attack? Is taking credit for your work and giving a wrong impression about you, beneficial to you ? A person jealous of your success will try to stop you in your tracks. How deliberate and how intensely depends on the intensity of his feelings and his desire to hurt you.

You need to understand that a person can be jealous if

  • cannot match your capability
  • wants the attention you get
  • wants to be promoted but knows cannot be as long as you are there
  • has severe health related problems whereas you are disgustingly healthy
  • your children are doing well in studies but their children are unruly and wild
  • jealousy can be over prosperity, success, looks, good luck, anything

A psychic attack can be done …

  • using your picture (social media can be helpful in this case as pics are easily available)
  • food offered to you (in office or home)
  • through gifts
  • objects or clothes that have disappeared or stolen from your house
  • dropping certain objects or ash etc. at your house

Many people, if they cannot move ahead, try to create obstacles in your path. One needs to be practical and dispassionate and understand the kind of people he is surrounded with and what they want from him.

The advantage of energy healing and scanning is it can help us identify the people and objects involved and neutralize the energy.

In Part 2 of the Blog, we’ll look at ways to heal and protect ourselves from psychic attacks.