How to choose Crystals

There’s a saying in the Crystal World – You do not choose crystals, crystals choose you.

Walk into a crystal shop, stand in front of a bevy of crystals and you’ll find your attention being drawn to a particular one. You go around the shop looking at all the crystals and come back to the same place again and again. Or as you look at a variety of crystals you find yourself comparing each crystal to a particular one. This is Your crystal calling you, trying to draw your attention because you are meant to work with it.

Understanding Crystal Energy

Hold the crystal in your hands and be quiet for a few moments. Now, try to feel the energy of the crystal. Energy here means – does it resonate with you or not. If so, what feelings it brings to the surface?

If it’s positive, don’t hesitate to buy it. If it makes you uncomfortable, simply drop it.

Crystals absorb and reflect energy

Ever noticed that when you buy a gemstone it gives wonderful results initially but after a few months you are not sure if it’s helping you or not. This generally happens because over a period of time your precious gemstone has absorbed quite a bit of energy from its surroundings so it’s saturated. Saturated with what? … with energy of its surroundings… means … your thoughts, emotions, the interactions you have during the day, things happening in your surroundings you are sensitive towards… just about everything. In layman’s terms think of a crystal or a gem stone as a recorder. It records everything and plays it back.

By the time crystal comes to you it has been in multiple hands and different places. So it’s imbued with psychic impressions. These need to be cleansed before the crystal can work efficiently for you.

Cleansing Crystals

A simple cleanse is done by soaking the crystals in water for a few minutes. Take at least 1 ltr of water and allow the crystal to soak for at least half an hour. If you have more than 1 crystal increase the water accordingly. There is no such thing as too much water. Crystals love water and even if you soak a small crystal in a bucket of water, it’s simply going to love it.

A simple way to energize crystals is by using bells. Ring a bell around a crystal for some time. The sound emanating from the bell penetrates the crystal and fills it with high vibration energy.

This simple cleansing and energizing process should be done once a month for all crystals you use regularly.

Crystals for healing

Crystals have a consciousness of their own, hence they can be programmed to heal :

  • Physical / psychological ailments
  • Career related problems
  • Relationship issues
  • Increase concentration & memory & help with studies
  • Protection
  • Just about anything

While complicated programming like this needs a background of energy healing and is best done by a professional, crystals can be used for other purposes as well.

Other Uses

  • Use a selenite or amethyst crystal to sweep your aura of negative energy.
  • Place an amethyst crystal under your pillow to ward off negative energy and to ensure a good night’s sleep
  • Place a citrine crystal in your bag / wallet to create abundance energies.
  • Rose Quartz can be placed in the bedroom or living room to create energies of peace, love and harmony.
  • A crystal knife is used to cut negative energetic cords from your chakras.
  • Place an energetically clean crystal in a bottle of water overnight to imbue it with crystal energy. This gem water has deep healing properties.
  • You can also place crystals in your bath water to supercharge yourself.
  • Embed a crystal with a powerful thought that it is protecting your private space. Use Amethyst or Tiger’s Eye.
  • Keep a Citrine in your bag to attract prosperity.

We all have our favourite uses of crystals. Which one is yours? Feel free to share.