In the previous blog (, we had studied how psychic attacks can affect a person. In this blog, we look at various methods of healing and recovery. In any situation, it is vital to understand the situation and then take proper remedial measures. You can use one or multiple remedies according to your need as they all work at different levels.

Cord Cutting

Cord cutting is the single most effective technique to cut off the energy coming from psychic attacks. 80% of healing can happen simply by cutting the right cords. So, what exactly are cords and why do we need to cut them?

Electricity travels through wires. Even mobiles need a wireless tower to transmit data. Similarly, for energy to travel it needs a medium. That medium is an energy cord that links the victim to the attacker. To simplify, if a person is thinking of you, that energy will reach you through an energy cord. Whether positive or negative. If a jealous relative or competitor decides to harm you (your career, health or relationship) that energy will reach you through an energy cord and get attached to one or more chakras or organs. (For more information on energy cords, check the blog…. As long as there is a cord in any of your chakras / organs you are receiving and absorbing negative energy. Imagine a tap water flowing and you using a wiper to clear off the water in your wash room. No matter how much you clean, unless the tap is turned off, the wash room will not become dry. It is the same with cords. As long as there are cords, no matter how much you heal, the effect will be temporary.

How to cut cords?

Cord cutting is taught in various energy healing modalities (Reiki, Pranic Healing etc.). It is better to learn from an expert healer as incomplete or incorrect information will not resolve the problem.

You can also approach a professional for a cord cutting session. But, remember – a professional will only cut cords he is karmically authorized to cut. He will not interfere in your personal karma. Certain cords are karmic and the only person allowed to cut these cords is yourself.

In any case of psychic attack, by the time the victim learns the real reason for his ill health or problem, years have passed and numerous attacks have already taken place. The number of cords increase with each psychic attack. Getting a professional cord cutting session definitely brings relief. Depending on the nature and intensity of the attack, a cord cutting session can finish off 30-70% of the cords. Obviously, minor cases heal faster than severe ones.

What if you can’t cut cords? There are still other methods through which the body can be healed.

Energy Healing

Cords are like a flowing tap. The tap needs to be closed to stop the water from flowing. That is what cord cutting does. Healing is clearing off the mess left by the flowing tap. The intensely negative energy absorbed by the victim over weeks or months needs to be extracted and disintegrated. The body also needs huge boosts of fresh energy to compensate for the energy it has lost.

You can either opt for professional healing sessions, get a healing crystal programmed for you (to know about crystals, check the blog … or learn healing from an expert.


Energetic shields are a wonderful way to protect yourself. A shield can be created in 5 minutes that easily lasts for 3 day. With practice, you can build stronger and longer lasting shields. One should definitely shield himself if he is surrounded by negative people. It also helps if one is shielded while attending an important meeting, an exam or interacting with difficult people.

Shields can be created for a variety of purposes…. to protect oneself from physical harm or danger, not be affected by emotional drama of people or not be overpowered by thoughts of others. Amulets and sacred threads also create a protective barrier around the aura which deflect negative energy. Holy water because of its higher frequency transmutes the negative energy at the cellular level.

In the Indian culture, Ram Raksha Stotram, Devi Kavach, Durga Kavach, and various other mantras have been used since time immemorial for divine protection. These kavachs invoke the protection, help and guidance of the Deity.


Perhaps the oldest remedy for all ills. The vibration created by various mantras and different forms of chanting has the power to clear off tremendous amounts of negative energy from the aura as well as the physical body.

Which chants to use?

Mahamritunjay Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, Om Namo Shivay, Rudrashtakm, Trishati – the choice is vast. You can use Lakshmi mantras to strengthen your prosperity energy, Ganesh Mantras to disintegrate obstacles from your aura, Saraswati mantras if you are a student – follow the inner guidance that springs up from the soul.

How much time to devote to chanting?

Many people get stuck in the number of malas that need to be done. It takes the focus off the chant and doesn’t bring about the desired result. To chant a few times with concentration is much better than chanting for hours absent mindedly. Do 4,7,11,21 … or don’t count at all. Just do it !!

What time to chant?

If you wait for the perfect time and place, you’ll never be able to start. Chant in morning, afternoon, evening or night – whatever suits you. You can also chant multiple times a day for short periods (say, even 5 minutes). Set up realistic goals that can be achieved.


There are many ways to strengthen the body and to throw off the diseased / negative energy from the system. Exercise is one of them. It not only facilitates the removal of toxic energy from the body but also strengthens and rejuvenates by enabling it to absorb fresh cosmic energy. Each body joint has a chakra. The function of chakras is to absorb fresh cosmic energy, supply to nearby organs and throw out stale prana. For eg. When the knee joint is exercised it enables the knee area to throw off the stale energy embedded in the knee and to absorb fresh energy. Hence, it becomes extremely important to exercise each body part and joint. While walking is one of the best exercises, the body still needs to be bent and stretched.

Choose an exercise that suits you – sports, dance, gymming, yoga, all help. But remember, regularity is the key to improvement.

Paramahansa Yogananada’s Energisation Exercises are a wonderful way to recharge your body with cosmic energy. It teaches you to absorb cosmic energy directly from the Cosmos and direct it to each body part to heal and strengthen it. Doing these exercises regularly and  properly can heal all physical and psychological diseases.  To learn these exercises one can apply for YSS Lessons at


Air is the carrier of prana. Air is not prana. The reason it’s called pranayama is because it helps to master the prana circulating in the body. The physical body is called Annamaya Kosha while the pranic body is called Pranamaya Kosha. The purpose of pranayama is to absorb greater amount of prana from the cosmos and circulate throughout the body. During this process, the body throws off the stale, used up prana. 15-30 minutes of pranayama are recommended everyday – start with 15 minutes and build up your capacity gradually. Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika, sheetkarni or simple deep breathing – include a variety of pranayama techniques as each technique heals in a different way.

Body Scrub

Make a scrub of Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti), Coffee Powder, Sandalwood Powder, Coconut Oil and Rose Water. Rub it all over your body and wash off. The combined pranic energy of all these ingredients help to dislodge the stuck energy. Use it regularly to get good results. Even when you feel fine, the scrub can be used weekly to cleanse the aura of negative energy.


Crystals have been used since ancient times to heal and rejuvenate. They can be used for healing as well as protection. Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Tiger’s Eye, Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Lapis Lazuli are great at extracting the strong, intense energy of psychic attacks from the body.  Wear one or more of these crystals to protect yourself. Crystals can also be programmed to divert any psychic attacks targeted at you.

Howlite makes one peaceful and calm, citrine enhances prosperity energy, Tiger’s Eye gives strength, black tourmaline and smoky quartz absorb negative energy and selenite aids in meditation. Choose a crystal according to your need and wear for at least 6-8 months for the result to be long lasting.


There are 3 ways to finish off your karma.

  • Suffering
  • Meditation
  • Seva (Service)

If you don’t want to suffer, increase the other two. Choose whatever form of meditation suits you – start with 10/15 minutes, then gradually increase the time. Depth comes with regularity. Don’t expect to be peaceful and serene after 10 days of practice. It takes months, even years to learn to  still the body and the mind. Perseverance is the key. Results come when you let go of expectations. Do your best in each meditation and you’ll find your intuition flowering and guiding you in the daily acts of life.

Here’s a link for a healing meditation …

You can serve in multiple ways. With material things or with your talents. With your support to those in need. Generate positive karma by doing good to others in whatever way you can. It will help neutralize the negative karma of psychic attacks.

Discern what your problem is – related to finances, not getting right opportunities, relationship problems, life at a standstill, obstacles every step of the way, looking for love, health issues, depression, stress, not able to study, whatever.

The law of karma states that we get what we give to others. Going by this logic, if I want to earn well, I should help others earn as well. I want money so I need to give money. I want peace and love so I should express my affection. I want to be joyful so I should make others happy in some way. So, how can I make others happy ? Let’s see …. 1) by smiling at them 2) by appreciating their talents and abilities 3) by encouraging them 4) by helping them financially 5) by sharing useful info … there are tons of ways to make people happy. I am sure your can add 20 more to the list. It’s the same with other things. Devise ways to create positive karma and you’ll soon start seeing positivity coming your way.


Admitted, forgiving is not easy but we need to realize why we need to forgive. As long as we hold hatred or revenge towards certain people, we are bound to them with certain energetic cords. Not only will we attract the same people in our future lives, we will also attract similar people in our present as well as future lives. Forgiveness dissolves these cords and and takes us past negative people and situations. It gives us the power and freedom to create a brighter, positive future. We need to understand that the biggest beneficiary of forgiveness is us. Even if the other person does not change, we will be able to move forward and create a new life.

Start with forgiving small acts, with forgiving your maid, friends, colleagues – a stranger who bumps into you, a colleague who talks ill about you, a friend who wasn’t there when you needed him. If we can’t forgive people for small acts then we’ll find it extremely difficult to forgive people who have made our life a hell !!


Blessing transmutes negative into positive. You can bless your family, situation, job, studies, city, country, earth and the world. Most people stop with blessing their family and a few close friends. Yet, when we take out time to bless the earth and billions of people, we are setting in motion powerful energies to transform and transmute our negative karma into positive. When we bless our city, we attract more positive people and opportunities from our city. When we bless our country, we widen this circle. When we bless our family and friends, we are creating new and positive thought forms in them which will form a part of their personality over a period of time.

Suppose your spouse is feeling weak or depressed. Mentally say – I bless him with good health, strength and happiness. This is energizing his aura with positive thoughts and energy as well as neutralizing his weaknesses and sadness. If your child does not study or listen to you, say – I bless him with peace, good concentration, discipline and interest in studies. If you don’t get along with your boss, bless him with peace and harmony. Do this for 21 days and watch your life change for the better.


Affirmations are used to move forward in life and consciously create a brighter future. Since it’s a huge topic, it’s better to read in detail here ….

Lastly, we need to understand a psychic attack is just some of our karma coming our way. Karma has to come in some form – whether disease, financial difficulties or relationship issues. For some, it comes in the form of psychic attacks. It doesn’t help to be morose and question – why me? We can and we should not allow the circumstances to overwhelm us. Rather, the situation should awaken the divine courage and intelligence lying dormant within us. There are numerous ways to deal with any situation. Use one or a combo of methods. Every positive thought we have and every positive deed we do neutralizes tons of negativity in and around us. The bigger the challenge the greater will be our skill and confidence when we overcome it.