If you have to think of a person who indulges in black magic – chances are, you’ll think of a person in flowing robes with a big teeka / bindi, wearing lots of crystal / rudraksha malas / bracelets / rings etc.  Or an extremely religious, old fashioned person in sarees or kurta pyjama who goes on and on about mantras and shlokas.  Fact is, people who indulge in black magic are one of us –  smart, well dressed people, speak well, intelligent, articulate and even seem loving and compassionate.

A donkey is a donkey and a dog is a dog. Enjoy the variety but get to know who is who. Life becomes much easier when we know who we are dealing with.

Dr. Hansaji Yogendra, The Yoga Institute

There are 3 main reasons for writing this blog:

  1. The practice of black magic has increased tremendously in the past few years.
  2. Many people are suffering from effects of black magic and are totally unaware of it. They are seeking remedies and healing but not getting healed as the root cause is not identified and addressed.
  3. It is not a small town thing anymore, done by illiterate, low income people. People in the corporate world, with good job positions, well off people, “decent” people, “spiritual” people are also big time into it.

Btw, many of these confused, crystal wearing people are actually victims of black magic.

When people get to know that the reason for their problems is black magic they always want to know who is harming them. What I am sharing here is information gathered over the last 10 years as a healer. It may help you identify such people in your life and deal with them.

Why would someone want to damage you?

It can be difficult to believe that someone would actually take concrete steps to harm you. After all you’ve never wished ill for anyone so why would someone seek revenge? There are 3 reasons that have been noticed by victims.

  • Jealousy
  • Greed
  • Intention to damage

Who will want to damage you?

Mostly relatives, close family friends, mother of your best friend, your friendly or unfriendly neighbour, an employee/s, colleague, an ashram devotee – rest assured, it’s definitely someone in your inner circle. In many instances, it’s more than one person who is trying to damage you.

What is Black Magic?

Black magic is tremendous amount of energy imbued with certain negative thoughts that are implanted in your Aura. A person can either do it himself or get it done by a professional.

Black magic is different from a psychic attack. A psychic attack can be intentional or unintentional whereas black magic is a deliberate attack meant to harm you. It may be targeted to harm your health, suck your energy, create rifts in relationships, crush you financially, create all round destruction or even cause death.

There are 2 ways black magic can be done:

  • When the person is in front of you
  • At a distance

When the person is in front of you

This can be when you are living with the person or you visit a person. His purpose is to plant certain energy in your Aura. This can be done via

  • Food – it can be eatables or beverages. Scientific experiments done by Dr. Masaru Emoto show that water has memory. It tends to retain whatever words are spoken to it. For eg. when the song Heartbreak Hotel was played on water and then photographed, the water cells had split into two.
The Power of Words.
Pic Courtesy : Internet

There are certain “friends” who won’t let you budge from their house unless they have fed you something. If you notice, they themselves avoid eating what they have placed before you. There’s always an excuse ready – oh, we just had tea, can’t eat sweets coz of diabetes/cholesterol, this is the last piece and I have kept it specially for you, etc. White food is pretty often used as a medium – kheer, seviyan, milk etc though of late, I have seen examples of samosa, dhokla and other savories too being used. There’s progress and new ideas in every field. Some always keep an extra piece of prasad for you. Also, delicacies are delivered to your house at regular intervals. Sometimes, you may wonder – I don’t know this person very well so why is she always sending me something to eat?

This food is imbued with deliberate negative programming; not just an absent minded negative intention. Food or beverages reach every cell of your body. Imagine a negative thought and energy that has penetrated deep into every cell of your body. It requires tremendous amount of healing to disintegrate this programming and energy from every pore of your Aura. Of course people feed you with love but this is not a blog to identify positive people in your life.

  • Programmed Gifts – some friends and relatives are so “fond” of you that they’ll always bring a “gift” though they themselves are reluctant to accept anything. The Upanishads categorically state not to accept gifts from anyone as it incurs a karmic debt. Ancient wisdom that applies equally well to the modern age!
  • Soil or items planted at your home – unknown to you, an acquaintance may drop programmed soil or any item in your garden, pots or any of your rooms. Sometimes an item can be so small and insignificant, you won’t even bother to look at it let alone think something is amiss.

At a Distance

This can be done with :

  • Pics / your name / your parent’s name – Every black magician works in a different manner. Some need a pic, some your name along with mother’s name and some may need an item belonging to you. Posting pics on social media handles (specially of babies & toddlers) is handing over ammunition to your enemy.
  • Your clothes / possessions / pics disappear from your house – A professional will need an item belonging to you to direct certain energies towards you. Your possessions reek of your energy specially if it’s an unwashed item. A dress you have worn carries your energetic imprint. That’s why it’s customary to wash clothes when you bring them from the market and also before you give them away. Sometimes, soil or a plant / plant cutting is carried from your home to be handed to a professional. (Not meant for plant lovers – before they come after me with a shooting gun!!!)

How to identify such people?

Here are a few key pointers. Many of these have been shared by clients. Let their experience be of help to you.

  • Most of these “friends” show an unnatural interest in your life, even if meeting you the first time. They’ll praise you to the skies and then try to extract personal information. But are secretive about their own life and actions.
  • Had an intense dislike / distrust / repulsion / a feeling of staying away from these people at first sight. Then got used to them and thought they were not so bad. This is a typical symptom of hypnotism. Remember, the first impression flows from intuition, second thought is when logic takes over. Intuition is a higher faculty than logic.
  • Some of these people call you periodically to enquire about your life and health. Don’t feel happy that they are concerned about your welfare. They just want to know if their latest attack has been effective! A client once shared that one of her besties was overly concerned about her health – how are you, how is your health, are you okay, how are things at home, how is Aunty & Uncle? She used to wonder why such emphasis was laid on her health until years later she found out that she was the prime target of her friends “affections”.
  • Want to borrow your clothes or other items – Nowadays, every person’s cupboard is overflowing with clothes. Still if someone insists on borrowing that special dress for a wedding, be careful. One of my client’s cousin borrowed her saree for a wedding and returned it with a few tacky alterations. Another client shared that she had a hard time getting her dress back from her friend. It was only after both had learned healing they were able to scan for negative programming in their “borrowed” clothes.
  • Some are extra smart. Right from the beginning they’ll give you stories about how one of their relatives / friends is doing black magic on them. They gain sympathy and divert attention at the same time. Others will go to the other extreme and ridicule you for believing in all these things.
  • When you look back, you’ll find quite a few clues about their personality. Things that seemed strange but you ignored or dismissed as your overactive imagination.
  • Many pretend to be religious. They join many spiritual organizations yet seldom follow the spiritual practice laid out by any Organization. If you ask them what sadhana they are following, they’ll just say – oh, I do my own thing, a little bit of this and that, am doing this chanting etc. etc.
  • These people end up in all kinds of esoteric classes – Reiki, Pranic Healing, Crystals, Numerology, Astrology, Zibu Symbols, blah, blah, blah. They seek knowledge so 1) they can use it to protect themselves 2) misuse it for their selfish ends (polite way of saying to harm others).
  • Regularly consult Astrologers etc. – How many times in life does one actually need an astrologer? When things are going tough – a child not getting married, constant obstacles in life or career – it’s understandable. But when things are more or less smooth, and one is still visiting astrologers every few days, then something is definitely fishy. People don’t go to astrologers to strengthen their meditation practice.
  • They dissuade people from learning the esoteric sciences spreading misinformation and misconception about the healer and the healing sciences. Remember, if someone is doing black magic on you (or anyone else) he will definitely not want you to learn something that can clear off the energies of black magic.
  • A word of caution – Devotees generally tend to think that their Ashram is heaven on earth. That only sincere seekers visit Ashrams or any Spiritual Organization. On the contrary, for an unscrupulous person, an Ashram is the best place to find a victim. Some of the strongest attacks that I have come across have been done by “people on the spiritual path*** (a detailed explanation is given below). Devotees have strong, refined energy bodies which is exactly what an attacker is looking for.

If you have been a victim or suffered from diseases or problems that seemed implausible, you’ll find plenty of cues, clues and hints as you look back on your life. A clear pattern begins to emerge as you begin to connect the dots.

There was also your intuition – that warned you not to eat the food they were offering, give your dress, share your address or other details, not to go to their house or a particular party, keep them at a distance – but you ignored the warning as it was too subtle.

Lastly, the point of this blog is not to finish off your social life or make you paranoid. It’s just to make you aware so that you can take proper precautions and deal with people accordingly.

If you want to know more about psychic attacks, please visit

To know how to heal from psychic attacks, this blog may help you

May you get the divine guidance and protection you need.

*** Here “People on the spiritual path” refers to people who, on first glance, may seem to be “wonderful devotees”. They seem to be following the path, even practicing their sadhana regularly but on closer observation, you find something amiss. They may project themselves as loving and compassionate but tend to snap at people. They may seem to be meditating but you find that they are restless and don’t manifest the spiritual qualities; also they don’t show much faith in the Guru. There is a duality to their personality which only becomes apparent once you decide to be dispassionate and objective. While they do their best to project themselves as “ideal sadhaks“, they are basically wolf in sheep’s clothing and this is the breed that one has to be beware of.

There are sincere and wonderful devotees on every path and this is not a reference to them. It is because of a few devious people that spirituality gets a bad name. The idea is to learn to differentiate between the two so you can protect yourself.