The beauty, aura and magnificence of crystals has enchanted the world since ancient times. Crystals attract your attention and no wonder – for they are filled with unique and sometimes seemingly miraculous healing properties. Crystals can work wonders when used rightly. Each crystal has its own unique property which can be used to heal physical, emotional and mental inharmony.

Here are the benefits of some common crystals:


An important aspect to understand the properties of crystals is color. When one thinks of white, it automatically brings to mind purity, calmness, and serenity. Because of its calming properties, Howlite is one of the best crystals to tone down anger and stress. It also tends to strengthen the positive character traits of a person.

The other properties of Howlite are:

  • Brings clarity of mind
  • Strengthens memory and improves focus
  • Gives emotional stability and patience
  • One feels a sense of strength in the physical body
  • Brings a quiet confidence that stems from knowing your worth and strength

Rose Quartz

Also called Heart Stone, Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love and is known to open a blocked Heart Chakra. The color pink evokes softness, tenderness, feminity, and a gentle love. These are the energies that Rose Quartz sets in motion.

Rose Quartz is one of the best crystals to soften Aura – it can dissolve harshness and brittleness from the personality when worn for a sufficient period of time. It also makes a person receptive towards healing and positivity. Because of the receptivity it generates in a person, it’s a wonderful crystal to program all kinds of healing.

The other properties of Rose Quartz are:

  • Boosts feelings of self-love and self-acceptance.
  • One is able to connect with his dormant tender side
  • Improves loving communication with other people.
  • When worn during pregnancy, it is said to create a strong bond between mother and child

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is known to strengthen the lower Chakras – Mooladhara (Root), Swadhisthana (Sacral) and Manipura (Solar Plexus).As the name denotes, wearing this crystal for sufficiently long time can make one strong like a tiger (mentally and emotionally). On the other extreme, it can also make one callous if one is not careful. Hence it is not recommended for people who are dominant or aggressive. Because of its inherent strength it is also used as a protection stone.

  • Increases inner strength, confidence and self worth
  • Dispels fear and anxiety.
  • Releases negative energy
  • A grounding crystal; Makes one practical. Gives the ability to look at problems objectively.
  • On an emotional level – Good for people who are meek / depressed / get taken for a ride / tend to be dominated by other people.
  • On a physical level – good for people who feel sluggish or lethargic


The color violet is the color of the Crown Chakra. This crystal is most often used to activate and strengthen the upper chakras, A high vibration color, it tends to repel lower vibrations.

  • Helps in overcoming addictions
  • Forms a layer of protection around the Aura
  • Brings emotional stability and clarity of mind
  • Helps tune in with intuition
  • Raises your vibration and spiritual connection

Lapis Lazuli

ALso known as the Wisdom Stone, Lapis Lazuli is known to activate and balance the Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi). Good for the nervous system, it also helps soothes inflammation.

  • Brings a sense of calm, peace and harmony
  • Enhances creativity, communication and self expression.
  • Tones down aggression and rebelliousness. Helps people who get irritable or are not able to control their anger.
  • Good for people suffering from Pitta imbalance


Selenite is a soft crystal. It is also known as the Crystal of Light and can be placed in areas with insufficient light to keep away dark energies. Selenite loves sunlight and can be placed on window sills to absorb the light and reflect it back in the house

  • Enhances spiritual connectivity. Use it if you are going through a dry phase spiritually; wear for a few months to bring your sadhana (meditation) on track.
  • For people on the spiritual path, it helps intensifies meditation.
  • Brings a super fine energy to the Aura.
  • Helps keep the focus on the spiritual path.

Black Crystals

The color black has a tendency to absorb; hence black crystals (Black Tourmaline, Onyx) are worn so that any negative energy directed at you can be absorbed by the crystal. For this reason, they are:

  • Used for protection
  • Keeps Aura clean
  • Used as diversion

Care for Crystals:

As crystals absorb so much negative energy, it is important to clean them periodically otherwise they’ll reflect it back on your Aura.

Use salt water, sanitize them or smudge them … Choose your way but it’s important to keep them clean and sterile.

Crystals can be worn as jewellery or placed in the house to derive maximum benefit.